Models 732.14, 733.14, 762.14 and 763.14
Differential pressure gauge For the process industry, all-metal media chamber
- For gaseous and liquid aggressive media that are not highly viscous or crystallising, also in aggressive environments
- Pump monitoring and control
- Filter monitoring
- Level measurement on closed vessels
Special features
- Differential pressure measuring ranges from -1 … +30 bar [-14.5 ... 435 psi] to 0 ... 40 bar [0 ... 580 psi]
- High working pressure (static pressure) and high overload safety, selectable 40 bar [580 psi], 100 bar [1,450 psi], 250 bar [3,625 psi], 400 bar [5,800 psi] and 650 bar [9,425 psi]
- The transmission fluid in the measuring chamber dampens the indicator in case of high changes of the rate of pressure
- Model 76x.14: Monel version